生命的延續 ( 可以幫助我們思考生命的可貴 )




See the enthusiasm, confidence and  tenacity on his face?  Can we ever be distressed, impatient or complaining for frivolous reasons after witnessing this?

Miracle Man Walks Again 

Monday, July 9, 2007
He survived against all the odds; now Peng Shu Lin has astounded doctors by learning to walk again.

When his body was cut in two by a lorry in 1995, it was little short of a medical miracle that he lived. It took a team of more than 20 doctors to save his life. Skin was grafted from his head to seal his torso? But the legless Mr Peng was left only 78cm ( 2ft 6in ) tall.

Bedridden for years, doctors in China had little hope that he would ever be able to live anything like a normal life again. But recently, he began exercising his arms, building up the strength to carry out everyday chores such as washing his face and brushing his teeth. 
Doctors at the China Rehabilitation Research Centre in Beijing found out about Mr Peng's plight late last year and devised a plan to get him up walking again. They came up with an ingenious way to allow him to walk on his own, creating a sophisticated egg cup-like casing to hold his body with two bionic legs attached to it.

He has been taking his first steps around the centre with the aid of his specially adapted legs and a resized walking frame. Mr Peng, who has to learn how to walk again, is said to be delighted with the device. What Self Confidence!

Please don't keep this mail in cold storage... nor deleting it... but circulate it...



奇蹟男子再次行走  2007年7月9日星期一
他在所有逆境中存活下來,現在 彭恕林 先生透過重新學習走路使醫生感到驚訝。



位於北京的中國康復研究中心中的醫生發現了 彭 先生的困境,並在去年年底制定了計劃,讓他能再度行走。他們想出了一個巧妙的方法,創造了先進的蛋型套撐住他的身體並連接到兩條義肢上,讓他自己走路。

藉由為他量身打造的腿和學步車的幫助下, 彭 先生在中心裡踏出他的第一步。學會重新行走的 彭 先生,認為這些設備帶給他極大的喜悅與自信心!








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